Rapid PHP development with Bonfire

Welcome to Rob ' s Bonfire/CodeIgniter Workplace

This is where we kickstart CodeIgniter applications and save 100s of hours of development time.
That means you get rapid application development and save money.

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All built upon a Solid Base

Bonfire is based on CodeIgniter 3.2.1, a proven PHP framework. In order to make the best use of it, we have tweaked CodeIgniter to work well with Bonfire. Codeigniter documentation should be examined and understood first.

We use Twitter's Bootstrap front-end framework (currently we're @ v4.2.1) and jQuery (currently we're @ v3.3.1) as the basis of the CSS and Javascript. This means our apps are mobile oriented as first priority, but also look and function well on larger screens

A Growing Community

Bonfire has a community of users that are there to help us get unstuck, and help us make the best use of this powerful system. This is one of the compelling reasons to use open source systems, there is usually someone, somewhere that has met and conquered the problems we may face, this again aids us in much quicker development cycles.

Bugs and feature discussion also happen on GitHub's issue tracker. This is where we get to report bugs and discuss new features.

Built-in Flexibility

A modular system that allows code re-use, and overriding core modules with custom modules.

A template system that allows parent-child themes, and overriding controller views in the template.

Role-Based Access Control that provides as much fine-grained control as your modules need.

Need a specialised project?

We have developed ImportACar.nz a completely integrated car importer system. We utilise an HTML 5 / CSS 3 template developed by experts in data presentation, thus we get to focus on the underlying system that drives all the data acquisition, meta-data management, automation and sales support requirements. Please contact Rob at rkampen at robkampen dot com if you would like to discuss your specialist application.