Upgrading Bonfire

0.8.1 to 0.8.2

  1. Add /application/config/installer_lib.php
  2. Update /application/language/{language_idiom}/application_lang.php files
  3. Update /bonfire/core/BF_Router.php
  4. Update /bonfire/docs/tut_blog.md
  5. Update /bonfire/libraries/Installer_lib.php
  6. Update /bonfire/modules/builder/libraries/Modulebuilder.php
  7. Update /bonfire/modules/emailer/controllers/Settings.php
  8. Update /bonfire/modules/emailer/libraries/Emailer.php
  9. Update /bonfire/modules/roles/controllers/Settings.php
  10. Update /bonfire/modules/roles/views/settings/role_form.php
  11. Update /bonfire/modules/sysinfo/controllers/Developer.php
  12. Update /bonfire/modules/sysinfo/language/english/sysinfo_lang.php
  13. Update /bonfire/modules/users/libraries/PasswordHash.php
  14. The following have been deprecated:
0.8.1 0.8.2
`PasswordHash->iteration_count_log2` This property will be protected in a future version. Pass the value to the first argument of the `PasswordHash` constructor.
`PasswordHash->itoa64` This property will be protected in a future version.
`PasswordHash->portable_hashes` This property will be protected in a future version. Pass the value to the second argument of the `PasswordHash` constructor.
`PasswordHash->random_state` This property will be protected in a future version.
`PasswordHash->crypt_private()` This method will be protected in a future version.
`PasswordHash->encode64()` This method will be protected in a future version.
`PasswordHash->gensalt_blowfish()` This method will be protected in a future version.
`PasswordHash->gensalt_extended()` This method will be protected in a future version.
`PasswordHash->gensalt_private()` This method will be protected in a future version.
`PasswordHash->get_random_bytes()` This method will be protected in a future version.